Not dead.

Hey hey~! It is your favourite jester and ringleader~ After… err… ten months… Ehe~? So, yeah. This is a post to say that my host, Chizuru-sama, is not dead. They have just been really neglectful of this circus. There may also be an issue of Kenshin and Nona both not showing themselves anymore. Takara-chan might also be feeling uncooperative after not being used for several long months. The good news is that Chizuru-sama is doing their final thesis at the moment, meaning that after April we will be free to wreak havoc again! That is of course, if Chizuru-sama does not get distracted with anime, manga, and fanfiction. The idiot will read through 40 long chapters within a night or two. It has gone on for so long, they cannot sleep until 3 in the morning. Go to sleep you dumb child!

Oh, oh. And Chizuru-sama has experienced their first funeral and it was of a family friend. Sweet old tough lady, fighting off cancer for so long. So there is that.

Chizuru: Can I get back to my thesis now? You’re hogging the laptop again. And you didn’t need to tell them about the last part. Plus I want to see that email my supervisor sent me.

Boo!!! I am finally out after so long and now I have to go back? Hmph, fine. This is your host and ringleader signing out~ Have a wonderfully bloody dream~

Rest in Peace, Kim Jonghyun

So hi… This is the host body, Chizuru, talking here. Blood has taken a backseat for the entire term to allow me to focus on my education (I took too many programming courses and a math course at once! I’m dying…); though I can very much tell that they will be unleashed once I finish my last exam tomorrow morning… All Hell will break loose, I swear… I know that it has been more than three months or so since my last post, but this is a topic dear to my heart. Yes, Kim Jonghyun is one of my favourite K-pop idols among many. But, I have a more important reason to talk about his death.

Continue reading “Rest in Peace, Kim Jonghyun”

Tarot Poetry #4

So it’s been a little more than a month, how has everyone been? I finally broke down in front of my mother about one of the major issues afflicting me and I am now starting to actually feel better~ Takara has started warming up to me again after my last poem which they did not appreciate my use of a different deck. Anyway, let’s have some fun~!

Idea behind corner is to randomly draw a card or more and write a poem about it or them. You will find that my poetry style is somewhat inspired by Heartstring Eulogies.

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Tarot Poetry #3

Wah, it has been forever since my last post! Three whole months! That is a very long time! I started writing this while putting off my volunteer work of transcribing audio into written words. Please do not tell my supervisor this. I am working hard but have been unable to fully concentrate… Anyway, onward we shall move!

Idea behind corner is to randomly draw a card or more and write a poem about it or them. You will find that my poetry style is somewhat inspired by Heartstring Eulogies (though perhaps not this time).

Continue reading “Tarot Poetry #3”

Tarot Poetry #2

Hi, hi~ It has been quite some time since my last post~ About two weeks, huh? Ah~ Well, here we go~

Idea behind corner is to randomly draw a card or more and write a poem about it or them. You will find that my poetry style is somewhat inspired by Heartstring Eulogies. This poem is dedicated to a special someone~

Continue reading “Tarot Poetry #2”

Change of plans

So… It would appears to be that I am unable to keep my end of the bargain for doing the daily fortunes… or weekly ones at least… Therefore, I have decided to have a more irregular posting schedule to account for my life. I am opening the tarot poetry corner, this corner will be updated whenever I feel inclined to. The first post will be up within the day. Sorry and thank you for understanding.

That is a wrap from the ring leader~ (Blood, did you change your greeting again)